Asean youth hold virtual meeting to discuss social issues amid Covid-19 pandemic – coverage by The Straits Times

Asean youth hold virtual meeting to discuss social issues amid Covid-19 pandemic – coverage by The Straits Times
On 29 May 2021, Jamiyah Singapore (Muslim Missionary Society Singapore) launched the ASEAN Youth unConference that virtually gathered about 400 youth leaders from ASEAN countries.
Themed ‘Active Citizenship and Social Media’, this one-of-a-kind event is an initiative by the Youth Group of Jamiyah Singapore. It intends to allow young people to connect with peers from around the region, deliberate on various matters critically empower them to champion social causes in their respective societies.
Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Education & Foreign Affairs, graced the launch ceremony as Guest of Honour. He was joined by Deputy Secretary-General of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Department, H.E. Kung Phoak, who graced the event as Special Guest.
The Straits Times covered the event. Read the full article here.