Management Team

Management Team

Management Team      Prof (Adj) Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar, President

Prof (Adj) Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar was re-elected as President of Jamiyah Singapore at its 70th Biennial General Meeting (BGM) held on 29th September 2020.

The other key officeholders elected at the BGM were Dr H.M. Saleem, Vice- President-I, Mr Mohd Yunos Mohd Shariff, Vice-President-II, and Dr Isa Hassan, Vice-President-III. Along with them, a new team of Executive Council members was also elected.

Strengthening the financial resilience of the organization, consolidating the ongoing service programmes and further enhancing networking with local, regional and international NGOs are among the immediate future plans of President Prof (Adj) Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar.

Management Team      Dr H.M.Saleem, Vice President I

Management Team      Mr Mohamed Yunos Mohamed Shariff , Vice President II

Management Team      Dr Isa Hassan, Vice President III