4 qari, qariah antarabangsa alun suara sempena Nuzul Quran anjuran Jamiyah 9 Mei – coverage by BERITAMediacorp

4 qari, qariah antarabangsa alun suara sempena Nuzul Quran anjuran Jamiyah 9 Mei – coverage by BERITAMediacorp

BERITAMediacorp’s coverage of Jamiyah Singapore’s Virtual International Recitation of the Quran 2020 event, in commemoration of Nuzul Quran, via Facebook Live. Read the full news coverage here.

4 qari, qariah antarabangsa alun suara sempena Nuzul Quran anjuran Jamiyah 9 Mei – coverage by BERITAMediacorp