Inter-Racial Harmony Seminar – coverage by Tamil Sethi (broadcast)

Inter-Racial Harmony Seminar – coverage by Tamil Sethi (broadcast)

Jamiyah Singapore, supported by the People’s Association (PA), organised an Inter-Racial Harmony Seminar titled “Whither Racial Harmony in Singapore: What more should be done?” on Saturday, 17th July 2021 via ZOOM.

Singapore is known globally as a cultural, racial and religious harmony haven. Singaporeans and residents here live in relative peace and unity. However, in recent times, the racist acts by individuals in public, though few and sporadic, have tainted the much-celebrated multi-racial harmony in this Republic.

The Seminar offers a platform for concerned leaders and activists to emphasise the necessity for us all to uphold and honour our precious racial harmony and to explore new perspectives to mitigate these developments.

Mediacorp’s Tamil Sethi covered the Seminar. Watch the full coverage below.