Lebih 12,600 kg daging korban Jamiyah diagihkan bermula hujung minggu ini – coverage by BERITA Mediacorp

Lebih 12,600 kg daging korban Jamiyah diagihkan bermula hujung minggu ini – coverage by BERITA Mediacorp

Jamiyah Singapore received strong support for its Indonesian and Australian Qurban service this year (2021/1442H). All the Qurban sacrifice for Indonesia and Australia were successfully carried out on 21 July 2021.

The 369 livestock sacrificed in Indonesia were distributed to the needy community in Palu, Sigi, Donggala in Central Sulawesi and also in Northern Sumatra. On the other hand, the meat of the 1,512 Australian livestock sacrificed in Perth and Melbourne has been air flown to Singapore on 22 nd July 2021. The meat was then sorted and packed according to the proportion indicated by the donors for them to receive and to donate to the needy in Singapore. A total of 12,610 kg of meat is expected to be distributed to the needy in 16 constituencies, including Jamiyah’s own 1,050 beneficiaries, in the subsequent weeks.

BERITA Mediacorp wrote an article on the Qurban efforts of Jamiyah Singapore this year. Read the full coverage here.