President’s Message

President’s Message

President’s Message     Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Moving Ahead
I am privileged to have witnessed the growth of Jamiyah Singapore from its humble days when Abu Bakar Maidin first took over its stewardship in the 1970s and with a clear vision and a burning passion reached out to serve the community and nation. As President, I hope Jamiyah will surge ahead both locally and on the International front with the continued strong support of our partners and well-wishers who believe in Jamiyah’s programmes and initiatives. I pray that you will be rewarded for your contributions towards society and mankind.

Your strong support has enabled us to foster the development of a whole range of education, welfare, da’wah and residential services such as the diverse Jamiyah Education programmes including Kindergartens, Childcare and student care and service centres, the welfare homes including Jamiyah Children’s Home for orphans and other less fortunate children, Jamiyah Home for the Aged, Jamiyah Nursing Home for those needing long term nursing care and Jamiyah Halfway House for recovering addicts.

We remain committed to maintaining the longstanding co-operation we have received from our many supporters and will revitalize our programmes and continue with innovative ideas to strive for excellence in our community service mission. Thus, a whole range of new programmes is in the pipeline to meet the needs of the community and society.

Jamiyah Education Centre (JEC) and Jamiyah Early Childhood Education (ECE) projects are poised for expansion and restructuring so as to provide quality learning experience for the growing number of students. Also escalating our efforts in the education front is the JBS International College which is an expansion of Jamiyah Business School and is a stand-alone entity providing first class quality services at affordable rates for the poor and needy.
We are optimistic and assured that with the continuing support of our generous donors and well-wishers, Jamiyah would be able to carry out varied projects for the benefit of the Community, Nation and Mankind.
Wassalamu’alikum wr wb.

Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar