22 Oct 18

Dua wanita cekal dinobat ibu teladan

Category : Press Release
Click here to read the stories of The Exemplary Mother and Exemplary Young Mother Awards 2018 winners. Source: [Berita Harian] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.
21 Oct 18

Honouring a mum who made an impact

Category : News Coverage
Ms Bibi Fatimah Sheikh Muhammad was awarded the Exemplary Mother Award 2018, Jamiyah Singapore's annual signature event that honours mothers from all walks of life - click here for the full photo.   Source: [Straits Times] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.
23 Sep 18

Seniors revisit recipes for a taste of the past

Category : News Coverage
Coverage of Silver Stars Cookbook launch - Jamiyah Nursing Home's project to preserve S'pore's food heritage - click here to read the full article. Source: [Straits Times] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission
06 Sep 18

Jamiyah permudah pengunjung ekspo hulur derma

Category : News Coverage
Coverage of Jamiyah Singapore's presence at 'The Wedding Asia 2018" held at Singapore Expo from 6 to 9 September 2018 - click here to read the full article.   Source: [Berita Harian] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.
23 Aug 18

Benefisiari Jamiyah terima habuan

Category : News Coverage
Coverage of Jamiyah Singapore's Korban assistance package for the needy - click here to read the full article. In conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha,  about 100 beneficiaries of Jamiyah Singapore including residents of Jamiyah Halfway House (Darul Islah) and their families received exclusive food rations such as meat. Source: [Berita Harian] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.
19 Jul 18

Apakah Itu LPA? Siapkan surat kuasa, permudah keluarga Buat pelantikan semasa mental masih upaya

Category : News Coverage
Coverage of LPA Symposium organised at Jamiyah Nursing Home - click here to read the full article. Source: [Berita Harian] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.